Let’s Understand Web 3.0 in Easiest Way Possible

After hearing a lot on metaverse, the internet trend has now shifted to Web 3.0. Web 3.0 is being termed as the next major internet revolution that will blur the line between reality and virtual space. In fact, there are already a few early versions of Web 3.0 applications around us, but there is a long path for Web 3.0 still to achieve. So, what exactly is Web 3.0? Let’s discuss it in the easiest way possible.

Top Cybersecurity Threats in 2021

When it comes to cybersecurity threats, every passing year seems to be the worse year of all. Cybercriminals are deploying new tactics and tools to attack strongly. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the year 2020 has been the worst in terms of cybercrimes, causing thousands of businesses to get hit by data breaches and other cyber-attacks. … Read more